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Meal Prep Sundays or Mondays or Whateverdays



My gym, Crossfit Power Grid, teamed up with a new app called, “Tasteful” or “Paleo Digest” to put on a Paleo Challenge for any members who want to participate and compete for some Open Table gift certificate prizes. I thought this was a brilliant idea to get members thinking about their health outside of the gym since what we put into our bodies greatly affects our performance inside and outside of the box (at work, at home, our moods, our productivity, our emotions, etc).

I just finished a paleo challenge prior to this but I couldn’t say no because I love to participate in…everything! #majorFOMO In particular, I love participating in these type of community challenges. It’s fun, at least it is to me! The challenge started over 2 weeks ago and we all took before photos & body measurements. That was a fun and interesting night… :)

Paleo Catwon Before Photo


Since the challenge started, I’ve been trying to bring my meal prep game up. I often food prep, but usually only for a day in advance. Two, tops. I prep enough for the next day at work and usually have in mind what I’ll be making for dinner that night so I’ll have ingredients readily available or a protein thawed. These past two weekends, I decided to step it up a notch and do a little weekly meal prepping like these crazies do on IG: #mealprep.


Paleo Catwon Food Prep

Paleo Catwon Food Prep Paleo Catwon Food Prep

Paleo Catwon Food Prep

I made SO much food. Looking at this you’d think I was feeding an entire gym of meatheads, but nope, just me. #crossfitfood #isthatsad? #dontjudgeme #omgifeelsolonely

Here’s a breakdown of all the food I prepped:

  • cauli-rice + green onions (recipe in link)
  • balsamic brussies
  • ground turkey & sauteed baby kale
  • cumin pan-fried Japanese sweet pots
  • quinoa, amaranth & millet (I know this isn’t technically paleo, but I don’t care. I am experimenting with how my body reacts to adding this back in. We will see! It is not about following Paleo rules strictly just because; it is about finding out what works for YOUR body)
  • red curry catfish
  • breakfast bake (recipe in link)
  • washed & prepped kale
  • green grapes
  • cut cantaloupe

I always pack tons of food for work. That week, my usual looked like: green smoothie ingredients ready to go for the Vitamix at 5am before the gym (didn’t drink it until I got to work), a Progenex recovery protein shake for post 6am wod, breakfast bake for 1st meal, fruit for snacks, salad for 2nd meal and some sort of protein/veggie mix-mash for 3rd meal. All meals were consumed at work. Then I’d heat up some combo of my prepped food for din.

So did I eat a lot of the same foods that whole week? Yes. Did it get boring? Nah. Did I have tons more time at night after I got home super tired from work? Yes. Was I able to mix the combos up to keep it interesting? Yeah! Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? I sure the hell hope not. Alright enough of that.


That week I was really into green smoothies in the morning. I’m not a fan of tons of fruit in my smoothies as it’s never a good thing to drink your sugar in large amounts and have your blood sugar levels spike. So I keep the fruit ratio low, just enough to make the green smoothie not taste like, well, crap.

Paleo Catwon Green Smoothie  Paleo Catwon Green Smoothie Paleo Catwon Green Smoothie

One of my favorite combos for #greensmoothies is:

  • 4-5 chunks of frozen pineapple
  • 6-7 green grapes
  • (if no pineapple, then use a handful of grapes or half a small green apple)
  • 2 large handfuls of baby spinach
  • 2 inches of cukes
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds (adds a nutty flavor)
  • enough water to cover the blade
  • optional: add some coconut milk or almond milk for a creamier/fattier smoothie
  • note: if you aren’t using frozen fruits, add ice to the bottom so your smoothie is nice and chilled


Paleo Catwon Meal Prep

Paleo Catwon Meal Prep

Breakdown of what I prepped:

  • pasghetti (Recipe for spaghetti squash: here )
  • zoodles (Recipe for zoodles: here)
  • meat & veggie tomato sauce (Recipes for sauces in the above 2 links – the recipe for the sauce varies each time. This time I used bottled tomato sauce with good ingredients instead of tomato paste along with meat, veggies and spices)
  • egg muffs (AGAIN! I know, I know)
  • cantaloupe
  • washed & dried kale

With these awesome prepped ingredients, I was able to whip up zoodles & spaghetti “noodles” all week (night) long! It was awesome and easy.

And of course, egg muffs for breakfast & massaged kale salads for lunch. I’ve got this thing down.

Paleo Catwon Zoodles & Meat SaucePaleo Catwon Spaghetti Squash & Meat Sauce


I’m heading to Hawaii in a few days and this is how I feel right now…

Meme of the day Meme of the day

Also, did you see the new iPhone 6s announcement?

Meme of the day


It is so hot right now in California. I know our weather is usually great and we consider it Winter when it hits one degree below 75, buuuuuuut, I like to take advantage of complaining about my #firstworldproblems and right now it is SEVERAL degrees above 75. Jesus, help us all.

Hurls can’t take it.


Filed under: 21 DSD Recipes, Breakfast, Catwon, Crossfit, Entrees, Kitchen Tips, Poultry, Salads, Smoothies, Snacks, Veggies, Whole30 Recipes Tagged: amaranth, bake, before photos, breakfast, brussels sprouts, brussies, cantaloupe, catwon, cauli, cauli-rice, CFPG, Crossfit, crossfit power grid, cukes, egg muffins, eggmuffs, eggs, food prep, grapes, green smoothie, hemp, hemp seeds, kale, massaged kale, meal prep, meat sauce, millet, paleo challenge, paleo digest, pasghetti, progenex, quinoa, recipe, spaghetti squash, sweet potato, tasteful, Tomato sauce, turkey, vitamix, zoodles

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